Group 13

ow, i will tell you about offers and suggestion. This group that has presented to my class

Andi Maura

as usual before we start the presentation were going to sing nasional song from indonesia !!!
spirit !!!

- Opening : Garuda Pancasila
Lyrics :
Garuda Pancasila
Akulah Pendukungmu
Patriot Proklamasi
Sedia Berkorban Untukmu

Pancasila Dasar Negara
Rakyat Adil Makmur Sentosa
Pribadi Bangsa Ku
Ayo Maju Maju...
Ayo Maju Maju...
Ayo Maju Majuuu...

- Materi    : Biography

- Video      : -

- Quiz        : -

- Latihan  : Post Reading Activity (hal 163)

Question :

1. why do we need biographies? what is their purpose?
2. what information can we find about a person by reading a biography? discuss.
3. from Ki Hajar Dewantara's biography, how would you discribe him?
4. can you find any similarities between ki Hajar Dewantara and yourself? describe.
5. responsbility is being accountable to God and to others as you do your duties or obligations in a faithful way. do you think ki Hajar Dewantara was a responsible person? how did he show it? discuss.
6. think of an example of taks or event in your life that required responsibility. were you responsible in fulfilling this duty or obligation? share your example.
7. do you think there were some significant events that changed Ki Hajar Dewantara's life? how did those events shape or change him? discuss.
8. what kind of impact did Ki Hajar Dewantara have on people? discuss.
9. Ki Hajar Dewantara has had great impact on indonesian struggle for freedom, especially education. discuss with your peers what may have been different if he was not there.
10. Ki Hajar made lot of sacrifices for his country. if you were in his place , what would you do? describe
11. what did you know abput the Ki Hajar Dewantara prior to reading his short biography? did you learn anything new about him? did anything you read changed your opinion about him?

Answer :

1. We need Biography to reflect on other people way of life and absorb all of the good and moral value within their story and applied in our life, As for purpose is to tell a complete story about someone's life for readers to read
2. Many information we can found in biography. As for general findings we can find their full name, parents name, spouse, child, birth place and date, his/her study, rank in society, achievements, and as for more detail we can find his/her story since his/her child till death, any events happen in his/her life, tragedy, happy or conflict, his/her friends, betrayal or gaining new friends, all can be found in biography
3. Ki Hajar Dewantara is a wise man with high intelligent, outstanding patience and also very reasonable person
4. As for similarities i can only relate to his patience and reasonable as the most close for me to him
5. Yes he is very responsible person, anytime praying time is up he immediately pray wherever he can pray
6. Once i was elected as the head committee of graduation event, as the date getting close one of the committee member was sick and unable to continue her duty, as the head committee i act as the replacement in her department and continue her work while doing my own work, this i do to ensure the graduation ceremony success
7. When the Netherlander decided oppress the people of Yogyakarta, he decided to take action and revolt against the invader.
8. He is really charismatic and able to rally follower to revolt against invader
9. Indonesia might not have any resilience and will to study to become much more better person
10. I will stand toes to toes with the invader and drive away them as fast as i can and built the most impenetrable defense mentally and physically so the invader will not able to go in
11. i learnt a lot like how to be a wise leader and able to lead people, i have changed my opinion about him quite a bit as for i disagree with his method towards his enemy.

- Short movie :
=> a trailer that tells the continuation of the film Train to Busan, and the film is named after the Train To Busan 2, which tells about zombies that have spread throughout the world and the world, and the world has been destroyed because of this zombie, this zombie is caused by a study that crosses the limits of its research and eventually fails and develops into a zombie, andwhat if this zombie bites an ordinary human, then he who is bitten will come to be like a zombie

Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

- Closing   : Anging Mamiri
Lyrics :
Anging mamiri ku pasang
Pitujui tontonganna
Tusaroa takkan lupa
Batumi anging mamiri
Anging ngerang dinging-dinging
Namalontang saribuku
E... aule...
Na mangu rangi
Tutenaya, tutenaya parisina
Batumi anging mamiri
Anging ngerang dinging-dinging
Namalontang saribuku
E... aule...
Na mangu rangi
Mato'lorang... mato'lorang je'ne mato
O o o o o o o o o
O o o o o…


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